Let’s schedule a consultation!

I personally connect with all clients and organizations to ensure we are aligned, and to create a program that is in support of your desires and outcomes.

I am happy to answer any questions you have through email correspondence and our consultation.

From my heart to yours,


  • Create and maintain positive attitude shifts and improve communication skills.

    What is your emotional life like?

  • Understand quantum healing principles to access and connect to our high-speed intellect and energetic communication.

    Are you able to hear your intuition?

  • Use movement, breath, and yoga principles to better understand anatomy, alignment, fascia (and cell danger response) and the value of somatic practices for healing the body (and coherent stress responses). Principles of movement, stillness, and breath are taught for rewiring and regulation.

    What’s your movement life like?

  • Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is how many times your heart beats per minute. Beat-to-beat variation is a sign of good health. Explore the connection between HRV and physiological wellness.

    What is your breath life like?

  • Move from chaos to coherence by deepening into quantum healing practices.

    Are you in chaos or coherence?

  • Incorporate Inner Balance technology tool for breathing practices and meditation to monitor heart rate.

    Do you spend time in stillness?

  • Understand patterns of thought and whether you are tapped into sage patterns or sabotage patterns.

    Is your mind connected to your body and soul?

  • Deep dive into circadian rhythms, mitochondrial function, sunlight and health.

    What is your light life like?

  • Dive deep into sun, nature, earthing, food, minerals, sound, water, and more to fortify your biofield and heal through the quantum lens.

    What are you feeding the field?

  • My movement, stillness and breath program supports mind-body connection for children and includes parent consultation.

    Support primitive reflex integration, OT concerns, posture, reading, core strength, brain rewiring, the ANS, and more!

    What’s your child’s movement life like?